About 'Adding to cart'
Product inventory may take a few seconds to get updated, therefore products that have been added to the cart may go out of stock during checkout. Your shopping cart will not secure these products until a successful checkout has been completed. You can check your order confirmation status in the "Order History" section of your Gelato Pique account, and/or an order confirmation notification will be sent to you via email.
About Shipping
The shipping schedule may change depending on the product's arrival. The shipping date is scheduled for mid-March, but shipment may be delayed depending on the delivery terms.
Payment Method
We accept credit card purchases. Pre-orders can only be made online.
Cancellation / Return / Exchange
We will not be able to accept order cancellations, returns, and exchanges unless we shipped you the wrong product or you received a damaged product.You cannot change the delivery address after your order is confirmed.Please place your order at an address where you can receive it without fail. If you're absent for an extended period of time, we can't resend it.
Please note the following BEFORE Ordering
Scheduled shipping date in the mid-March.